• Tablettenpressen Retrofit ACSR 01
  • Retrofit ACSR solutions, Mirko Stutz, Leitung Montage
  • Retrofit

Our aim

We aim to provide you with the services you need to get you ahead of the competition.

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Our customised retrofitting projects are tailored to your specific needs. They range from the reconditioning of a specific module and the replacement of control technology through to general overhauls. For control technology, we use products from the field of automation.

Reconditioning and retrofitting covers the following:

  • Assessment of your equipment
  • Working together with you to determine needs
  • Procurement and preassembly of the components including the relevant control cabinets
  • Reconditioning is carried out in-house or on-site
  • Acceptance testing
  • Equipment commissioning including calibration, validation and training

Guarantees are of course provided on all products and services.

Examples of reconditioning and retrofitting projects:

Retrofitting example for packaging machines

Retrofitting example for tablet presses

Member of:


ACSR-Solutions GmbH

Nikolaus-Otto-Straße 7
D-52351 Düren
fon +49 (0)2421. 206 36 0
fax +49 (0)2421. 206 36 20
e-mail info@acsr-solutions.com

Your Contact

Wolfgang Cremer, Vertriebsleitung

Wolfgang Cremer
Sales manager


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